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Our latest SmileMate features and updates

Emma Foures avatar
Written by Emma Foures
Updated over a week ago

November 2022

  1. Your patients will now know the reasons why their photos couldn’t be processed for their smile simulation. They will be able to see the reasons for the rejection in the email sent after submitting their pictures.

  2. You can now choose whether or not you want the smile simulation report to be shared automatically with your patient. To do so:

    • Go to Settings > Email templates > Smile Simulation available

    • Make sure “Email sent automatically” is set to off if you do not want the report to be shared automatically with your patients.

October 2022

  1. We have provided you with a simpler and shorter way to generate leads and convert them into patients, with a dedicated smile simulation flow in the virtual consultation system.

    You are now able to choose which of the below flows you would like to use for your patients:

  • Smile Simulation only - 2 photos required for the simulation of the patient’s smile.
    When choosing the Smile Simulation workflow, the report will be shared automatically with the patient (as this report does not include any medical data).

  • Smile Assessment only - 6 photos required for the report displaying both observations and treatment options

  • Full Assessment - 7 photos required for a full report and simulation.

You can create, edit, or remove flows at all times under Integration > Manage pages.

You will also be able to filter your patients by type of report in your patients list.

Note: Your Virtual Consultation URL/code already in use will not be modified and will be kept after the release. When using a new flow, the created URL/code will be different from the one already in use. The dedicated smile simulation flow is also available in the SmileMate App.

  1. We have added new capabilities in the labels section: you can now edit or remove the template labels to better suit your practice workflow.

August 2022

  1. Following your feedback, we have introduced a label customization feature in your dashboard.

You can now create, edit, and delete your own labels, color code and customize them to triage your patients to suit your practice needs.

July 2022

  1. Terms of sales are now available in your dashboard.

  2. In the virtual consultation workflow, legal guardian information will now have to be completed only if the patient is underage.

June 2022

  1. The book an appointment button has been added back on the simplified report interface:

    1. if your practice has integrated SmileMate with your own appointment booking system, your patients will access it directly

    2. otherwise, you will receive a message from the patient

2. Access to the screening report without authentication is now limited to 5 minutes: past this delay, refreshing or changing pages will require patients to re-enter their name/birthdate to access the report.

April 2022

We have simplified the patient experience!

When you share a report, your patients will no longer have to create an account in order to access it: they can now open it directly through a secure workflow, by filling the first three letters of their last name and their date of birth.

Please note that the report will always be branded with your colors and logo (customizable under Settings > Branding).

March 2022

  1. Incomplete screenings reports

  • You can now choose to be alerted when a patient has started a screening but hasn't completed it:

    • From Settings > Notifications, you can choose to activate email and/or sms notifications when a patient has not completed their screening.

Please note this setting will be turned off by default.
The email and/or sms that you will receive is not editable.

  • Patients will now receive an email when their screening is incomplete:

    • When a patient's status turns to "incomplete" on your dashboard, the patient will receive an email with a link to resume the screening (at the last step that was not saved when they left off)

    • The email template for this patient alert is customizable: you can modify its content under Settings > Email templates.

      • Please note emails will not be sent when a screening has been done in practice when logged in on your account.

2. Other updates

  • Video tutorials in the virtual consultation form for patients have been added in Finnish.

February 2022

  • We have added new languages to the video tutorials available in the virtual consultation form for patients: DE, PL, SE .

  • We have added a new section in your automatic email templates “When is this email sent”. It is meant to give you additional information as in when a patient will receive this specific email (this information is not visible to patients, only to you).

  • 2 new languages are now available in the dashboard: FIN and SV.

January 2022

Updated Patient Portal

We have added legal guardian information directly on dependents' patient card: it will now be displayed directly on the patient card when clicking on "view full details":

July 2021

Updated Patient Portal

From the portal, your patients can now fill in additional personal information and take new screenings without having to re-enter their initial data.

You can now access the additional information on the patient card prior to the patient’s visit, thus accelerating administrative onboarding.

February 2021

Smile Simulations

Our AI-powered smile simulator is now available in its web version! Boost orthodontic case acceptance with hyper-realistic simulations of your patient smile!

This means you can:

  • Get a simulation of your patients' smile during and after orthodontic treatment

  • Share the simulations with your patients (when sharing the report)

Please Note: this feature only applies to future screening reports

Free trial until August 31st! To activate your free trial, click on "Activate" in your dashboard under Virtual Consultation > Smile simulation

December 2020

  • We have added a new, exciting tutorial video on the virtual consultation stand-alone page

  • You can now customise automatic emails (photos submitted and scan rejected)

  • We have introduced a new screening status: "Incomplete". A screening will be marked 'incomplete' if the patient has not finalised the photo upload within 30 mins

October 2020

You can now hide observations from screening reports. For example, if you are an orthodontist you can set your reports to hide any dental or periodontal observation, or you can exclude "whitening need" from your reports if you do not offer any whitening treatment.

Please Note:
- this feature only applies to future screening reports
- this feature is available under Treatment catalogue > Observation list
- when editing, it's important to click on edit and save (top right end corner)

August 2020

Virtual Consultation flow

  • Your patients will now need to upload a new photo in the virtual consultation flow flow - frontal smiling photo. It will be displayed as the patient profile picture in the screening report and patient card.

  • If you use the stand-alone solution, You can set up a redirection to a custom URL when 1) patients click on the practice logo on the stand alone web screening page 2) after patients click on the "submit" button. These redirections are both optional. They give you full flexibility to retake the lead on the patient flow. This is customisable under Virtual Consultation > Customisation

July 2020

Patient card

  • We have made the patient list the default view when login in the dashboard

  • You can archive and unarchive a patient card

  • You can now see a summary of the latest screening displayed on top of the patient's card

  • If you have integrated a video consultation tool, you can start a video consultation from the patient card

June 2020

Questionnaire customisation

  • You can now customise the patient questionnaire in the webscreening workflow. You can edit the sample question and add up to 10 custom questions. This allows you to gather relevant information from your patients before reviewing their report.

Video Consultation

We now offer two video consultation options:

  • You can either use our free video consultation functionality, which now supports screen sharing (Chrome only)

  • Or you can integrate your own video consultation tool. The only constraint is to use a software supporting a unique video consultation link that can be shared with all patients

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