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a. Patient Card

What information will I find on the Patient card (patient profile)?

Emma Foures avatar
Written by Emma Foures
Updated over a week ago

Clicking on a patient name in the patient list will open the patient card. In the patient card, Healthcare professionals can find the patient information, creation date, activity timeline, and any notes associated with the patient. The patient's latest screening will also be displayed as a summary on top, along with a link to their screening report.

It is possible to add or change the patient label in the patient list and patient card. This allows to categorize the patients to know when to follow up with them.

Healthcare Professionals can send a patient an email directly from the patient card by clicking on 'send an email'.

It is possible to leave notes about the patient that are only visible to the Healthcare professional and anyone accessing the SmileMate account by clicking on 'add a note'. The patient will not see this note.

If Healthcare Professional have activated the built-in video consultation tool or integrated an external one, they can also start a video consultation with a patient by clicking ‘Start a video consultation’ on the top right corner of the patient card.

The activity session will display the history of all patient interactions including:

  • Screenings (including status of screening, whether the report has been shared with the patient and whether the patient has viewed the screening)

  • Email correspondences with the patient

  • Any internal notes made about the patient

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