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a. Screening List

What information will I find in the Screenings tab of my SmileMate dashboard? What are the screenings statuses?

Emma Foures avatar
Written by Emma Foures
Updated over a week ago

After each patient name, the Screening Report status is displayed:

  • Waiting for photos: the scan photos are waiting for upload or uploading

  • Analyzing: all scan photos have been uploaded, the report is being generated, this process can last up to 10 minutes

  • Available: the report is available and clicking on the screening will open it. When a report is available and hasn’t been reviewed, the mention “New” appears beside the screening name

  • Incomplete: a screening will be marked 'incomplete' if the patient has not finalized the photo upload within 30 mins

  • Rejected: the pictures were rejected by the AI due to poor photo quality or incorrect/missing views


  • When a screening has not been reviewed, the flag “New” appears beside the patient's name.

  • Clicking on the archive icon will archive a screening from the list. The screening will become available in the “archived screenings” list.

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