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b. Screening Report

What is a screening report and how can I use it?

Emma Foures avatar
Written by Emma Foures
Updated over a week ago

The summary of the severity of all recorded oral conditions is displayed at the top of the report.

Reviewing observations

Recorded oral conditions are sorted in categories:

  • Teeth alignment

  • Gum health

  • Teeth health.

Clicking on each condition shows further information. If the patient uploaded photos through the Virtual Consultation, the patient’s answers to the questionnaire are displayed at the top of the report.

Each observation is automatically graded by severity: severe, moderate, healthy or non-identifiable. Healthcare Professionals may change an observation's severity by clicking on the ‘edit’ icon and then selecting their preferred value.

Reviewing treatment options

In this section, treatment options are listed according to the same categories:

  • Teeth alignment

  • Gum health

  • Teeth Health.

Each observation has an associated default treatment. The Healthcare Professional can decide whether to display, hide or modify specific Treatment Options before sending the Report to the patient.

There is a range of Treatment Options that can be selected for each observation. The Healthcare Professional can select one or several treatments, based on the most adapted Treatment Options for the patient. When the Screening Report is shared with a patient, he/she can only view what has been selected by the Healthcare Professional.

There is also an option to “Add a comment” at the bottom of the Treatment Options. This enables Healthcare Professionals to add additional comments. They are visible to the patient.

Reviewing smile simulation

If the patient does a Scan through the Virtual Assessment plugin and Smile simulation is enabled on the doctor dashboard, the Screening Report also includes smile simulation.

This section will display the patient’s Smile Simulation during and after treatment.

Troubleshooting a report

If a screening report is available, it is possible to review the different steps and timelines of the uploading and processing process by clicking on “troubleshoot”.

If a screening has been rejected or remains under the status “waiting for photos”, Healthcare Professionals can review the uploaded photos in the troubleshoot page, by clicking on the screening from the list: this will automatically give access the Troubleshoot page. Expanding one of the photo packages will display its content.

Reviewing the patient’s photos

Clicking on “See photos” will show the patient’s pictures. Healthcare Professionals can then download the patient’s photos by clicking on “Download photos”.

Printing a report

To print the report, click on “Print”. A print preview of the screening report will display, including Screening Observations and Treatment Options.

The formatting of the content on the page is defined by the browser and may not always be optimized. For best results, we recommend using Chrome.

The print functionality can also be used to save the report as a pdf. Just go to the print preview and select “save as pdf” in the destination.

Sharing a report

Clicking on “Share report” will enable sharing the report with a patient.

The patient email address will be automatically prepopulated. Healthcare Professionals may select the email template they wish to use, then click on “Share the report”.

They may also choose not to share the Treatment Options or the Smile Simulation with the patient.

The patient’s view of the report

When a Screening Report is shared with a patient, he/she will receive an email with a link to access their Screening Report on their Patient Portal.

They will be redirected to the patient portal where they will need to enter a password to create an account on the Patient Portal to access their Screening Report and personal information.

The patient’s view of the Screening Report is very similar to the Healthcare Professional’s with a few differences:

  • The patient can’t share their Screening Report

  • The patient can only view the Treatment Options that were selected by the Healthcare Professional

  • If Smile Simulation is included in the Screening Report, patients have the ability to interact with the visualizations.

  • On the bottom of the Screening Report, patients have a “book an appointment” button

When clicking on “Book an appointment”:

  • If the Healthcare Professional has set up his own external booking system, the patient gets redirected to it

  • If the Healthcare Professional has not set up a booking system, the patient is invited to confirm phone number and add availability, which will be automatically sent by email to the Healthcare Professional

If the Healthcare Professional has customized their dashboard (color + logo), the patient will see this customization.

Patients also have the ability to view, edit and complete their personal information on their Patient Portal.

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