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b. Treatment List

What is the Treatment List and how can I add or edit a treatment?

Emma Foures avatar
Written by Emma Foures
Updated over a week ago

It lists all treatments that are available in the catalogue, with the ability to edit the catalogue content or add a new treatment. Please note that it is not possible to delete a treatment, however they can be 'unassigned' - meaning it will not be possible to select them for any Observations.

  1. Adding a new treatment

Adding a new treatment can be done under the Treatment List, by selecting “add a new treatment”.

Healthcare Professionals can enter the treatment name and description and/or image. The treatment needs to have at least an image or a description, before clicking on “Save”.

The new treatment appears in the Treatment List but is not associated with any Observation.

Healthcare Professionals can now add their treatment as a Treatment Option for any Observation, under the Treatment Assignments section.

2. Editing a treatment

Editing a treatment can be done under Treatment Catalogue > “Treatment list”.

Healthcare Professionals can select the treatment they want to edit. They can click on the edit button (pen icon) at the right end corner of the treatment box.

They can edit the content of the selected treatment and save.

They can also edit an image by clicking on the “Edit” button underneath and uploading an image from their files. The recommended image sizes are 1800x1105px and the supported formats are GIF, JPG, JPEG, and PNG.


  • the treatment needs to have at least an image or a description.

  • changes made in the Treatment Catalogue will not apply to past Screening Reports. They will only display on treatment suggestions for Screening Reports created after the catalogue was edited.

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